Plagiarism policy

The collection of scientific works «Scientific Notes of «KROK» University» accepts for publication only original materials, articles that have not been published before and have not been submitted for publication in another journal.

The collection of scientific works «Scientific Notes of «KROK» University» uses software for revealing text borrowings in the submitted manuscripts: Unicheck, eTXT. Manuscripts where plagiarism or text borrowing were detected without references to the original source are rejected by the editorial staff before the article is published in the journal.

Plagiarism before publication

The editorial staff of collection of scientific works «Scientific Notes of «KROK» University» analyzes any case of plagiarism in essence. If plagiarism or text borrowing is detected by editors or reviewers at any stage before the publication of the manuscript, the author (s) is/are warned about the necessity to rewrite the text or make a reference to the source. If the plagiarism is at least 25%, the article may be rejected, and the institution / employer of the author is informed about it.

Plagiarism Validation Policy

Manuscripts in which plagiarism is detected are processed according to the amount of plagiarism available in the manuscript: if there is less than 25% of the plagiarism, the manuscript is immediately sent to the authors to review the content, and if there is more than 25% of the plagiarism, the manuscript is rejected without an editorial review. Authors are encouraged to review text borrowings and plagiarism in manuscripts and reapply in the new manuscript.

The percentage of plagiarism is calculated by the software, and is also estimated by the editorial staff.

Plagiarism after publication

If the plagiarism is defined after the publication, the editorial staff analyzes this fact. If plagiarism is found, the journal editorial staff will contact the author. Pages containing plagiarism will be marked in a PDF file. Depending on the amount of the plagiarism, the document may also be revoked (deleted).

Recommendations for avoiding plagiarism:

  • use reverted commas for words taken word for word from the source;
  • do not change the parts of the quote in the context of the sentence;
  • use separate marks for a quote in a quote;
  • use three dots (space and three dots) for the part of the omitted quotation;
  • use brackets for own added words;
  • restrict the use of direct quotations;
  • try to paraphrase information or summarize information from different sources using your own words.

The authors are responsible for obtaining a copyright to reproduce illustrations, tables, drawings taken from other authors and / or sources. The permission must be placed below each item.


Some authors may write several sections for several different books, which are only slightly modified. Each manuscript is protected by copyright after its’ publication. As the author no longer owns the rights to these sections, it’s not worth repeating them. Most editors and reviewers claim that autoplagiarism is unethical. Thus, the author cannot copy his/her own material for the new manuscript without the permission of the copyright owner. An exception can be made when citing the author's short phrases from his own work with the placement of relevant references.