assertiveness, resilience, humanistic values, medical students, professional development, volunteeringAbstract
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the process of formation of resilience, assertiveness and humanistic values in medical students through participation in volunteer activities. The study focuses on the significance of these psychological qualities for future medical workers, as well as on how volunteering becomes an important element of their professional development. The paper examines in detail the role of resilience as the ability to recover and adapt after stressful situations, which is an integral part of the professional activities of doctors. Particular attention is paid to the development of assertive behavior, which ensures effective communication, establishing healthy boundaries in interaction with patients and colleagues, thus contributing to the development of professional confidence and communicative competence of students. Humanistic values, such as empathy, altruism, compassion, which are integral features of the medical profession, are formed through participation in volunteer programs, where students have the opportunity to work directly with people in need of help. Volunteering, due to its focus on social assistance and support, creates conditions for the development of these values and gives students the opportunity to feel the importance of their profession not only as a functional, but also as a humanistic one. The scientific work emphasizes the need to integrate volunteering into the curricula of medical universities, since this experience forms important psychological qualities that contribute to high professional efficiency, emotional and psychological health of doctors, and also improve their ability to cope with professional challenges and stresses. It is concluded that participation in volunteer programs is an important component of professional development, as it allows students to develop the traits and skills necessary for successful medical practice.
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