


competitiveness, enterprise management, strategic planning, SWOT analysis, economic efficiency, innovations, market adaptation


The article examines the theoretical and practical aspects of managing enterprise competitiveness in the modern market environment characterized by high dynamics, globalization, and economic instability. Competitiveness management is presented as a complex task requiring the integration of innovations, adaptation to changes in the external environment, and efficient use of enterprise resources. Particular attention is given to the analysis of PJSC "Bilotserkivsky Reinforced Concrete Plant," a leader in the field of reinforced concrete structures production. A detailed SWOT analysis of the enterprise is conducted, highlighting its strengths, such as product uniqueness, technical excellence, high quality, and prompt order execution, while also outlining threats and opportunities for further development.

The article emphasizes the need for strategic planning based on modern analytical methods, including market segmentation, assessment of competitive advantages, and the development of effective adaptation mechanisms to conditions of uncertainty. Key factors influencing enterprise competitiveness are considered, including product technical parameters, innovation level, customer service quality, marketing strategy development, and management decision efficiency. It is noted that ensuring sustainable enterprise development requires implementing a comprehensive approach that includes cost optimization, adoption of modern technologies, product range expansion, and active interaction with strategic partners.

In the context of PJSC "Bilotserkivsky Reinforced Concrete Plant," its advantages over competitors are highlighted, particularly its unique equipment, low wear level of production capacities, and significant reserves for market expansion. The study shows that the enterprise significantly outperforms its competitors in terms of product technical characteristics, quality levels, and inventory management efficiency. At the same time, it underscores the necessity of improving the marketing system, conducting market research, and developing strategies aimed at strengthening competitive positions under conditions of economic instability and growing global competition.

The research results demonstrate that enhancing enterprise competitiveness is achievable through strategies focused on long-term planning, innovative development, and strengthening market positions. Implementing such strategies will contribute not only to stable economic growth but also to ensuring competitive advantages in the long term. It is concluded that active interaction with customers, adaptation to changes in the external environment, and the use of modern approaches to strategic planning are key success factors for enterprises at the current stage of economic development.


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Author Biographies

Myroslava Hofmann, KROK University

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of Theoretical

and Applied Economics Department,

KROK University

Halyna Pekna, "KROK"University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics,
KROK University

Yana Moroz, "KROK"University

Master's student of the program
"Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange Activities"
Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics
KROK University


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How to Cite

Hofmann, M., Pekna, H., & Moroz, Y. (2024). MANAGING ENTERPRISE COMPETITIVENESS. Science Notes of KROK University, (4(76), 44–51.