management, management of innovation activities of enterprises, digitalization, innovations, digitalization of business in UkraineAbstract
The article studies scientific approaches to the management of innovation activity of enterprises in the context of digitalization of business in Ukraine.
The relevance of the topic of the study is due to the fact that global technological, socio-economic changes, development, implementation and transition to technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Industry 4.0. and the dynamic movement towards the formation of a new digital economy, a digital society, accelerate the digitalization of all spheres of life. However, the processes of digitalization require substantiation of theoretical and methodological foundations that form the basis for their development and implementation.
The article is aimed at studying scientific approaches to the management of innovation activity of enterprises in the context of digitalization of business in Ukraine.
The methodological basis of the study was the methods of analysis and synthesis, observation, comparison; systemic, complex, structural, project logical dialectical, content, subjective methodological approaches.
The obtained scientific results consist in determining the feasibility of implementing the entire complex of scientific approaches to the development of the system and the implementation of management of innovation activity of the enterprise, which will make it possible to solve problems that reduce the development and implementation of innovations in the context of digitalization and will ensure effective innovative business development. The application of scientific approaches, principles, functions, methods and management tools will make it possible to rationally use human capital, its knowledge and ability to develop ideas, create, develop and implement innovations. Thus, the management of innovation activity ensures the economic growth of business and forms the level, results of the socio-economic development of the country as a whole.
Prospects for further research are to determine the principles, functions, mechanisms, methods that will form the system of management of innovation activity of enterprises, the complex combination of which will make it possible for the development and management of innovation activity of enterprises in the conditions of digitalization, transition to digital forms and formats of processes of operational, production, financial and economic, innovation activities of enterprises, digitalization of market communications in interaction with external stakeholders, which in general can ensure the growth of the efficiency of enterprises, production and implementation of innovations.
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