


data analysis, Big Data, industry structure, technology, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, analytics


In today's world, data volumes are growing at an unprecedented rate, and their analysis and use have become a key factor for the development of enterprises in various sectors of the economy. One of the most relevant technologies that allows to effectively process and analyze huge amounts of data is Big Data, the use of which allows to more accurately assess the risks and benefits of various strategies, optimize production processes, improve the quality of products and services, increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, identify consumer preferences and needs, manage resources and budgets more efficiently, and much more. That is why studying the role of data analytics based on the use of modern technologies is a relevant topic for research and is certainly interesting for Ukrainian companies. The purpose of the article is to study the impact of analytical data on the efficiency of enterprises in the context of using Big Data analytics. In writing the article, the author used scientific analysis methods to study the theoretical foundations of Big Data in the activities of enterprises, statistical and economic methods to analyze trends in the Big Data market and its structure, and graphical and tabular methods to visualize the results obtained. In the course of writing the article, it was determined that Big Data is an effective technology for analyzing large amounts of data, which allows analyzing large amounts of information and conducting its analysis. It has been determined that Big Data analytics has a number of advantages over traditional data analysis, the main of which is the speed and relevance of the information obtained. Next, the author identified the main Big Data technologies used by companies in data analysis. It was determined that the use of Big Data in data analysis will allow companies to gain market advantages, which will ultimately have a positive impact on their financial results. Next, we provided examples of the use of Big Data in the activities of global companies and showed their effectiveness. In conclusion, we analyzed the industry structure of Big Data application by Ukrainian companies and determined that these technologies open up great opportunities for Ukrainian companies and will have a positive impact on their competitiveness. In further research, it is proposed to focus on the study of the use of Big Data in the context of marketing as a promising development in the Ukrainian technology market.


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Author Biographies

Oleksandr Stetsenko, KROK University

Postgraduate student, KROK University

Yevgen Bobrov, KROK University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Economy and Finance, KROK Univers


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How to Cite

Stetsenko, O., & Bobrov, Y. (2024). INFLUENCE OF ANALYTICAL DATA ON THE EFFICIENCY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Science Notes of KROK University, (4(76), 22–29.