
  • Sergiy filatov KROK University
  • Anton Filatov Higher Educational Institution Kamianets-Podilskyi National University Ivan Ohienko", Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Department of Computer Sciences



комунікаційні ланцюги , stress resistance, adaptive innovation policy, sustainable development, cluster ecosystem, tools, communication chains


In the context of martial law, an important problem for the national economy of Ukraine is the search for ways of cooperation and communication between large industrial enterprises, business structures, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), scientific and educational institutions, the public sector and self-government bodies. Clusters are one of the most progressive forms of cooperation between market players. With the development of innovative ecosystems and sustainable development of Ukraine's regions, productive interconnection between cluster members is becoming an urgent issue. A business ecosystem implies: multiplication of business value; benefits for all participants; connections supported by an idea. The main players in the ecosystem create common assets that none of them could have created by operating outside the system. The use of effective stakeholder communications in the cluster ecosystem will promote cooperation and healthy competition. That is why the purpose of this paper is to study a generalised approach to the use of effective communications in the cluster ecosystem.  Taking into account the direction of Ukraine's development towards EU accession and the requirements of the modern global world, the article examines the models of business ecosystems and various organisations in terms of their stress resistance to crises and uncertainties, flexibility for development and improvement, and, based on these models, builds possible necessary communication chains in the cluster ecosystem. The study has developed a generalised approach to the use of effective communications, namely, the communication tools for the gradual formation of a cluster ecosystem using the modern requirements of the criteria of the European EFQM excellence model. The choice of these tools is based on the practical experience of experts and analysis of practical work in advising organisations on the development of cluster ecosystems by the authors of this article. The defined sequence of the proposed tools forms a cross-cutting communication chain that can serve as a basis for specific practical cases, situations, circumstances, depending on the needs of the cluster ecosystem. The main qualities of cluster managers (coordinators) for the successful implementation of the defined communication chains of the cluster ecosystem are identified


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Author Biographies

Sergiy filatov, KROK University

Ph .D., Associate Professor Department of Management Technologies, «KROK» University»

Anton Filatov, Higher Educational Institution Kamianets-Podilskyi National University Ivan Ohienko", Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Department of Computer Sciences

Filatov Anton Serhiy graduated from the National Aviation University in 2005, majoring in computer automation and control systems. In 2006, the National Aviation University majored in "Project and Program Management", computer automation and control systems, and qualified as a project management manager. In 2015, he graduated from Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ohienko, majoring in psychology and qualified as a psychologist. In 2015, the degree of candidate of sciences in the specialty "Management of projects and programs" was awarded. Since 2024, he has been working at the Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University. He has 8 scientific publications in his scientific output.


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How to Cite

filatov, S., & Filatov, A. (2024). COMMUNICATION CHAINS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CLUSTER ECOSYSTEM. Science Notes of KROK University, (4(76), 124–133.



Chapter 2. Management and administration