LGBTQ, romantic relationships, stigmatization, sociocultural factors, discrimination, homophobia, sexual orientation, polyamoryAbstract
Abstract. The article presents a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of international and Ukrainian experiences in studying romantic relationships within the LGBTQI community, highlighting the importance of understanding the various aspects that influence the dynamics of these relationships in both global and local contexts. The authors focus on social, cultural, legal, and psychological factors that shape the nature of romantic connections, as well as the challenges faced by LGBTQI individuals in different countries. Particular attention is given to the barriers that arise from social stigmatization, traditional societal stereotypes, and discriminatory pressures. These factors significantly limit the opportunities for LGBTQI individuals to build open, stable, and healthy relationships, hindering their ability to fully realize their needs for love and partnership. The article emphasizes that such barriers not only affect individuals' lives but also shape the overall atmosphere in society, impeding social integration and acceptance. Additionally, the importance of social support from family, friends, and community is analyzed. The authors note that support from loved ones is critical for maintaining the emotional well-being of LGBTQI couples, as it helps them overcome challenges related to external pressures. In this context, the role of legal recognition, including the legalization of marriage, is also considered crucial for reducing discrimination and creating favorable conditions for social adaptation. The legitimization of romantic relationships helps LGBTQI couples feel more accepted in society by providing access to legal and social resources. By comparing the specifics of romantic relationship development in LGBTQI communities in Ukraine and other countries, the article highlights that social changes, legal initiatives, and cultural transformations can significantly influence the formation of open and healthy relationships. Studying the experiences of other countries can become a valuable resource for Ukraine, where support for the LGBTQI community remains low. Overall, the article makes a significant contribution to understanding the complexities of romantic relationships in the LGBTQI community, emphasizing the importance of an integrated approach that considers numerous factors influencing these relationships and offers recommendations for improving the living conditions of LGBTQI individuals.
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