management, ensuring economic security, information and analytical support, scientific approaches to management, management methods, principles of management, banking institutionsAbstract
The article examines the conceptual and methodical foundations of formation of the system of economic security of banking institutions. The relevance of the topic of the study is due to the fact that the financial market of Ukraine for many years has been under the pressure of numerous external and internal factors, risks and threats that affect its functioning and development. The uncertainty of the external environment is associated with changes and jumps in exchange rates, rising inflation, changes in regulatory norms, current legislation and the influence of other factors. Uncertainty creates an environment of new risks financial activities, and the systems of economic security of the financial sector face new challenges and countermeasures to their implementation. Under these conditions, the formation of effective systems of economic security of banking institutions, capable of securing their functioning and promoting effective development, acquires relevant weight and importance. The aim of the article is to study the conceptual and methodological foundations of formation of the system of economic security of banking institutions. The methodological basis of the study is the methods of scientific knowledge: analysis and synthesis, system approach, functional, structural, process, complex, and other scientific approaches. The obtained scientific results consist in the generalization of the conceptual and methodological foundations of the formation of the system of economic security of banking institutions, which made it possible to formulate the author's own definition, according to which the system of economic security of banking institutions is a set of components and elements, methodological, regulatory, financial and material support, mechanism, methods and means that ensure the influence of management subjects on objects, in order to ensuring a high level of economic security of banking institutions on the basis of systematic, structural, situational, functional, harmonization, competitive, adaptive scientific approaches and principles and with the wide use of digital and technical means of its information and analytical support. Prospects for further research are to study the essence and conceptual and methodological foundations of the system of economic security of banking institutions, which makes it possible to identify the features of their formation and functioning associated with the need to provide these systems with information on the basis of the widespread use of telecommunication and digital technologies.
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