socio-economic mechanism, human capital (HC), efficiency, igitization of work, digitization of work, social and labour sphereAbstract
In the context of modern changes in the social and labor sphere caused by the processes of labor digitalization, building an effective socio-economic mechanism for the efficient development and use of human capital is of particular relevance. The purpose of the article is to study the conceptual foundations of formation of a mechanism for efficient development and use of human capital in the context of labor digitalization. To achieve this goal, the author used the following research methods: analysis and synthesis, abstract and logical, induction and deduction, comparative analysis, dialectical method and methods of theoretical generalization. The socio-economic mechanism combines the relevant regulatory, organizational, economic, financial and economic support and provides for the implementation of the following main tasks: development and implementation of the state program for the development and use of human capital in the context of digitalization; development of modern digital infrastructure; implementation of international practices for the development and use of human capital; improvement of the regulatory framework for digital employment; and provision of state support for business in the field of digitalization; further development of employees' digital skills and implementation of innovative solutions in human capital management processes; expanding access to education and training in the field of digital technologies; financing research and development in the field of the latest technologies that contribute to improving labour efficiency and creating new jobs; rewards for companies that invest in human capital development and the introduction of digital technologies. Perspective areas for further research include identifying priority areas for the development and use of human capital in the context of labour digitalization and the possibilities for their implementation in the context of post-war reconstruction, analysing the regulatory framework for improving the regulation of digital employment, as well as changes due to the spread of the practice of using artificial intelligence solutions in business processes of enterprises.
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