management, economic security, security system, economic security management, integrated approach, scientific approaches to security, enterprise managementAbstract
The article examines the conceptual foundations and scientific approaches to understanding the concept and essence of the economic security of enterprise.
The relevance of the topic of the study is due to the fact that in modern economic conditions economic entities in Ukraine are under the significant influence of external negative factors that make it impossible to stable effective work and worsen the overall results of financial, economic, operational activities, lead to crises and bankruptcy of enterprises. Ensuring high efficiency and sustainability of the economic system of enterprise becomes one of the priorities management tasks. The solution of these complex tasks and the organization of active counteraction to external and internal destabilizing factors is solved by ensuring and strengthening the economic security of the enterprise.
The aim of the article is to study the conceptual foundations and scientific approaches to understanding the concept and essence of economic security of enterprise.
The methodological basis of the study is the methods of scientific cognition: analysis and synthesis, system approach, structural, process, complex, functional scientific approaches.
The obtained scientific results consist in the generalization of scientific approaches to understanding the concept and essence of economic security of enterprise. It is determined that the application of protective, competitive, resource, resource-functional, complex, sustainable, harmonizing and complementary scientific approaches to the essence and study of the definition of economic security of enterprise makes it possible to generalize and systematize all conditions, aspects, functional components, directions direction of actions, methods and means that are of key importance in ensuring the economic security of the enterprise.
Prospects for further research are to generalize scientific approaches that form the basis for further understanding and study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of the system of economic security of enterprise, as a combination of all components and elements aimed at ensuring the economic security of enterprise with the formation of relationships and interaction both within the economic entity itself and between its functional subsystems, and in interaction with partners of the external Environment.
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