


digitalization, public administration, e-governance, information and communication technologies, digital transformation


In recent years, Ukraine has been increasingly introducing digitalization, the spread and use of digital technologies in the organization and improvement of the functioning of public administration and local self-government bodies. The issues of e-governance, consolidation of the use of information and communication technologies in public administration at the legislative level are becoming more relevant, scientific discussions on the benefits and challenges of digitalization are being held in scientific papers, but some issues related to assessing the level of digitalization and the provision of conditions for this process require further research. In addition, in a modern, developed civil society, administrative systems and digital technologies interact closely and are interdependent, leading to the formation of new categorical concepts such as the “digital economy” and “digital society.” The impact of digitalization on public administration is reflected in the modernization of communication and citizen engagement to involve civil society in monitoring the work of public institutions. The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of digitalization in the field of public administration. This article summarizes the nature and characteristics of the principles of information disclosure for business decisions in the field of digitalization, noting that decisions affecting society as a whole and made at the state level must be of high quality, and therefore the position of citizens in business decision-making is vital. The author provides an understanding of the essence of management as the influence of management subjects on objects characterized by purposefulness and permanence. It is noted that representatives of local self-government, relevant central and local executive authorities and specially appointed management groups are involved in effective management decision-making processes. After all, such subjectivity in the management decision-making process takes into account the peculiarities and needs of different regions and regions, promotes a comprehensive view of the problem, and also provides different points of view on the management process It is summarized that publicity in management decision-making in the context of the theoretical and methodological approach is to make management decisions in the context of theoretical and methodological approaches and concerns the integration of the process of preparing quality control decisions, their balanced adoption, organization of implementation and management.


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Author Biography

Azer Aliyev, Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine"

Postgraduate student of international relations and political consulting department, Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine", Kyiv


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How to Cite

Aliyev, A. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF DIGITALIZATION IN THE FIELD OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(74), 237–243.



Chapter 2. Management and administration