



decision-making, decision-maker, leader, leadership potential, responsibility, self-determination, self-realization


The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of theoretical research of decision-making problems and the role of leadership position in this process, which formed the basis for modeling the connection between the psychological characteristics inherent in decision-making subjects and the psychological content of the formation and identification of leadership potential of an individual. The author reveals the versatility of research on leadership potential and the role of the decision-maker, and shows that their connection is most often studied in the context of management and managerial activity, which is specified in the peculiarities of forming leadership potential as the basis for effective management and professional management activities, considering the manager as a leader in decision-making processes, as well as positioning the manager in the role of a leader who moderates group decision-making by delegating and/or distributing certain powers. Generalization of the author's previous studies by deploying the decision-making cycle as a project action made it possible to register the individual characteristics of the decision-making subject, which form the basis of this process and require formation: reflection, goal setting, and expertise in a new uncertain situation. The analysis of the constructs of the leadership potential of the individual and their resourcefulness in the processes of self-determination of the individual gave grounds to assert that such potential should integrate the formation of awareness of one's own competence, readiness to act and promptly take the position of a leader. The author proposed a model of leadership potential of an individual as a resource for effective decision-making, which is the basis for its analysis. The importance of the leadership potential of the individual as one of the basic resources of the efficiency of the decision-maker is shown. The model clearly demonstrates in which way it is necessary to direct the development of the personality in order to expand and fill the leadership potential as the basis of the individual's competence not only in the professional sphere, but also in the spheres of everyday life. This opens up the space for acquiring the abilities necessary for decision-making.


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Author Biography

Galyna Gorban, Zaporizhzhia National University

Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Psychology, Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia


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How to Cite

Gorban, G. (2024). LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL OF PERSONALITY AS A RESOURCE FOR EFFECTIVE DECISION MAKING. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(74), 252–259. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2024-74-252-259