



human capital, technoglobalism, structural elements, levels of investment in human capital, human abilities, negative trends in the reproduction of human capital, Transformation Index, global innovation index


The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that global changes in the spheres of information and innovation have affected the structural elements and mechanisms of reproduction of human capital, which requires the formation of a new approach to development. The purpose of the study is to study the influence of migration processes on the formation of human capital. In this aspect, it is necessary to consider the main conceptual principles of the theory of human capital, which were developed by famous researchers and their modern interpretation. The methodology of the research is the analysis and comparison of the theoretical categorical apparatus for defining the concept of "human capital" and the analysis of statistical indicators of the migration of human capital in the world. Obtained scientific results and prospects for further research. In modern economic studies, human capital is considered as a key category that determines the forward movement of society, and its effectiveness is evaluated by the ability to generate new knowledge. This concept has a dual nature: it is considered as an investment object with corresponding return results, and also as a resource that combines physiological, psychological and social aspects. This determines the key features of human capital, which requires rational formation and management of this resource. Highly qualified labor becomes a strategic direction of the development of the national economy and ensures a higher level of socio-economic development. This article examines the influence of migration processes on the development of human capital in Ukraine, taking into account global trends. It has been proven that in order to further improve the state migration policy, it is necessary to increase the institutional capacity in the public, private and public sectors for successful integration into global processes; establish public dialogue at the supranational, national and subnational levels; create conditions for effective coordination of efforts of all interested parties in the field of migration; to improve the system of strategic management at all levels (global, transnational, national, regional and local), in particular, to form a system of strategic goals for socio-economic development of regions and to determine strategic goals and prospective directions of Ukraine's interaction with international organizations.


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Author Biography

Dmytro Radkevych, KROK University

Postgraduate student, KROK University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Radkevych, D. (2024). MIGRATION PROBLEMS OF HUMAN CAPITAL. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(74), 62–70. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2024-74-62-70