



professional health, professional stress, professional well-being, professional longevity, mental and physical health, psychological support of activity, IT specialists


The article presents the results of a retrospective analysis of scientific approaches to solving the problems of psychological support of the professional health of employees of organizations, the state of development of the problem among IT workers is clarified. Terms and concepts within the scope of scientific research have been clarified, their ambiguity and certain discrepancies in their application in the legislative and regulatory framework have been indicated. Based on the results of the analysis, it was proved that there is a need to develop a Program for psychological support of professional health for employees of IT companies (hereinafter the Program), its content and methodical recommendations are presented regarding the features of its application in the system of psychological support measures for this category of employees. The construction of the Program was based on the principles of creating a healthy and productive working atmosphere for team members, promoting the preservation of the health and well-being of employees, among which we include the following priority tasks: reducing the risk of occupational diseases, improving the quality of life in ontogenesis and professionogenesis, improving work productivity, reducing the percentage of losses working hours, forming a positive image of the company, creating a healthy and successful working environment for IT employees. The formation of the Program was carried out on the basis of the generalization of the best experience of the most successful companies, the analysis of the psychological characteristics of the employees and the results of the ascertaining part of the research and the conclusions of experts. This approach made it possible to form the most significant blocks of the Program and carry out their content, which was reflected in the Conceptual Model of the Program, which is represented by the corresponding blocks, namely: Assessment of needs and generalization of current conditions of employees; Development of the strategy of the Program itself; Training and education, Development of meaningful theoretical and training modules of the program itself; Creating a supportive culture, Development of methodological recommendations for the management and managers of the company regarding the implementation and application of the Program; Implementation of work standards, Creating comfortable conditions for maintaining and preserving the professional health of the company's employees; Psychological support was based on the need to implement team members' requests for additional psychological counseling, psychological support and, if necessary, referral to narrow-profile specialists on the employee's personal health; Stimulation of self-help, Providing employees with free access to a variety of self-help resources and materials. Contribute to the formation of a conscious attitude to the maintenance and preservation of one's own health. 8. Monitoring and evaluation of results is a prerequisite for determining metrics and the objective state of mental well-being of employees of IT companies. The advantages of implementing the Program into the management system of IT companies were identified, among the most significant were: improvement of employee well-being; increasing labor productivity; cost reduction; preservation of personnel potential and improvement of the company's reputation on the labor market.


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Author Biography

Liliya Pertsia, State University of Trade and Economics

Clinical psychologist. Postgraduate student of the Department of Psychology, State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Pertsia, L. (2024). JUSTIFICATION OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CARE PROGRAM OF IT COMPANY EMPLOYEES. Science Notes of KROK University, (1(73), 284–294. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2024-73-284-294