
  • Maryna Galak State University of Trade and Economics



professional profile, psychogram, HR management, professionally important qualities, recruiting, profile


The modern labor market makes significant demands on the activities of employees in the field of personnel management. Professional competence and personal qualities in the activities of these employees are decisive in achieving the professional success of any institution, so they should be studied deeply and comprehensively. The article presents a comparative analysis of scientific approaches to the application of the method of professionography in psychological science, a retrospective of its foundation, development and comprehensive improvement in today's conditions. According to the results of a survey of specialists in the field of personnel management, the most important components in the structure of the professional profile of a personnel service employee were determined. The psychodiagnostic toolkit for the development of a general professional profile and psychographic profile has been substantiated and expanded. According to the conducted survey, the main professionally important qualities and psychophysiological indicators of employees were determined. The psychodiagnostic toolkit of the study was improved and qualitatively supplemented, which included both general scientific and special methods. Empirical and systematic approaches, methods of analysis and synthesis were used in the research, according to which the development of the employee's profession was carried out with the involvement of direct subjects of the labor market. The interrelation of the main elements of the employees' activities with the selection of specific factors affecting the success of the company's activities in today's conditions, crisis phenomena occurring in society as a result of the martial law situation, and prospects for the work of personnel services in the post-war period, which is distinguished by its features, different from peaceful life, both in the methods of activity of personnel service specialists themselves, and of a specific contingent of applicants for employment. According to the results of the survey and analysis of expert evaluations, the most important professional characteristics of a personnel management specialist were: emotional stability; empathy, a high level of emotional intelligence (EQ); communication; analytical thinking ability; negotiation skills, high level of emotional and volitional self-regulation; effective time management; stress resistance, etc. A professional profile and a psychographic profile of an employee in the field of personnel management have been developed, and a structural model of the employee's professional profile has been provided.The research was carried out on the basis of the international recruiting company for the selection and hiring of specialists for IT product companies and marketing agencies "PRO.people Recruitment Agency", which works both in Ukraine and on the global labor markets to provide recruiting services for companies in Europe, Asia and USA.


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Author Biography

Maryna Galak, State University of Trade and Economics

Head of the marketing department, graduate student of the Department of Psychology, State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Galak, M. (2024). PROFESSIONAL CHART OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES. Science Notes of KROK University, (1(73), 275–283.