economic activity, distributors, trade and intermediary structures, efficiency, economic conditionAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of distribution as a special type of economic activity of enterprises. A theoretical generalization of the peculiarities of trade and intermediary activity was carried out. It was established that the complications of commercial operations in the conditions of war, on the one hand, objectively require the accelerated formation of the institution of distribution as an element of the commodity market infrastructure, and on the other hand, to improve the regulatory framework, increase the professional qualifications of intermediaries.Considerable attention is paid to the study of the functional characteristics of trade and intermediary structures. Using the method of comparisons, the types of sellers and the content of their activities were analyzed. It was concluded that distributors work directly with manufacturers and purchase goods at a special price. The role and place of distributors among other possible participants of the defined target market is determined. It was established that, despite the fact that retailers and dealers, in particular, resellers, work directly with the final consumers of products - buyers, they are not mandatory participants in this chain. Based on this, it was concluded that distribution is a special type of entrepreneurial activity on the market of goods and services. The characteristic features of distribution activity have been investigated and revealed. The principles of the work of trade and intermediary structures as an independent and specific type of activity are determined. Based on this, the functions of distribution companies, which are the basis of trade and intermediary activities and depend on the type and nature of their operations, are considered. This approach made it possible to establish that the listed functions have the same properties, three of which can be identified in general. The economic and legal essence of conflicts between the participants of the trade market was studied using the systematic method. This made it possible to streamline the causes that may arise between distribution companies and other market participants. The necessity of conducting an analysis of economic indicators, which can be used to determine the effectiveness of distribution services based on their quality characteristics, has been established. It is proposed to use a complementary approach to establish mutually beneficial relations between producers, distribution companies and consumers. It is recommended to study the methods of assessing the economic and marketing efficiency of the activities of distributors in the conditions of the corresponding stage of their operation.
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