production process management, processes, digitalization, new technologies, digitalization of production process management, information systemsAbstract
The article examines the theoretical and methodological basis of management of production processes of enterprise. The relevance of the topic of the study is determined by the fact that at the current stages of economic development, risks, uncertainty and dynamism of the market environment, the issue of effective management of production operating activities of enterprises is of great importance, since it is the introduction of new technologies and improvement of the processes of production of products and services that become the determining factors in the growth of both price and technological competitiveness of products or services enterprises in the market, determine its profitability and prospects for future development. In accordance with the above-mentioned issue, the study of the theoretical and methodological basis for the management of production processes of enterprise is relevant for the implementation of further scientific research and has not only theoretical and methodological, but also practical significance. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological basis for managing the production processes of enterprise. The methodological basis of the study was the methods of scientific knowledge: analysis and synthesis, comparison; as well as process, systemic, dynamic, functional, quantitative, qualitative, socio-organizational, reproductive, program-targeted, regulatory, institutional, systemic, synergetic scientific approaches. The obtained scientific results consist in the study and identification of the influence and action of process and system scientific approaches as basic in the management of production processes of enterprise, the implementation of which involves: formation of an algorithm for managing the production potential of enterprise with the definition of the purpose of production activity; substantiation of the main directions of production; assessment of the use of production potential according to the system of indicators; analysis of indicators; development of recommendations for improving the efficiency of production management; ensuring control over the implementation of measures. Thus, these scientific approaches have not only a wide theoretical and methodological application, but also ensure the organization of the development and implementation of a production management mechanism. Prospects for further research lie in the need to develop a process-oriented management system, the main task of which is to form mechanisms of interaction between structural units, executors (owners of processes), both in the management of enterprise and in its interaction with partners of the external environment and the introduction of integration of modern innovative technologies in operational activities and management of production processes in general, which will ensure growth efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises.
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