management, innovation, innovative development, management of innovative development of enterprises, European integrationAbstract
The article examines the theoretical foundations of innovative development of enterprises in the context of European integration. The relevance of the topic of the study is caused by the fact that, according to the analysis of scientific papers, innovative development is a certain transition, a change in the structure of production, fixed assets, capital, technologies, resources and priorities from one to another complex, technologically higher and at the same time more developed level of technical, technological development, which ensures the growth of efficiency, productivity, energy saving and has other, both economic and social, social advantages and thus ensures the transition to a higher level of socio-economic development, which opens up opportunities for the practical application of the scientific theoretical knowledge gained. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical foundations of innovative development of enterprises in the context of European integration. The methodological basis of the study was the methods of analysis and synthesis, observation, comparison; system approach, process, complex, functional, logical-dialectical methodological approaches. The obtained scientific results consist in generalizing the study of the theoretical foundations, essence, innovations, innovative development, determining that their conceptual apparatus is multifaceted and multifaceted. Four main groups of approaches to understanding the essence of innovation have been allocated: as a process of developing ideas, innovations and their implementation in production with subsequent commercialization in the form of projects, processes, equipment, technologies; as a system that is created, formed for the purpose of creating or introducing into the activities of enterprises, new goods, technologies, processes, new equipment, that is, as a certain set of actions aimed at the development and implementation, commercialization of innovations; as a result of innovation activity in the form of new developed or improved products, radically new or improved technological process; and as changes in production technologies, which represent a certain "leap", a transition from an obsolete to a new production function. Prospects for further research lie in the expediency of further study of innovative development as a certain transition, change in the structure of production, fixed assets, capital, technologies, resources and priorities from one to another, a more complex, technologically higher and at the same time more developed level of manufacturability, which at the same time provides an increase in efficiency, productivity and other, both economic and social, social advantages, which is especially important for enterprises in conditions of European integration.
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