



This article is only the beginning of further research into the construct of "laziness of mind" with a view to finding ways to improve a person's mental balance, to help him or her identify the reasons that provoked such a state and to find ways out of it, since the identified psychological construct of "laziness of mind" has nothing to do with a mental or physiological illness, but is an acquired way of life - a phenomenon of our time. The article raises the issue of outlining the content and features of the author's definition of the category of "laziness of mind". The author substantiates the position according to which the human mind should identify, subordinate and control laziness, or consciously allow (accept) it as a way of life. The absence of consciousness in the combination of the constructs "laziness" and "mind" is proposed to be considered as "laziness of the mind". Through long-term observations, it was found that the components of the category of "laziness of the mind" are: the need for self-realization through a "ready-made solution"; focus on easy tasks in studying/working with a high level of mental abilities; tendency to "automatic work"; rejection of criticism; tendency to praise and support; inertia; low attention to prioritization. The article provides a brief analysis of these components.  It was found that almost half of the respondents, while dissatisfied with their own lives, although thinking about improving the situation, do not look for ways to get what they want, agree to have someone "solve the situation" for them, and potentially need psychological help. In all cases, respondents find someone to blame for their problems. The article offers its own definition of the social determinant "laziness of mind" and identifies its main features, among which today it is possible to note: an unconsciously acquired state in the course of human life in which a person "does not want to create", although endowed with powerful mental abilities, is prone to "automatic work" and self-realization at the expense of someone else's "ready-made solution", and is inert to actions that can lead to the desired changes in his or her own life.


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Author Biography

Veronica Horielova, KROK University

Ph.D. (Law), Associate Professor of Department of state legal sciences, "KROK" University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Horielova, V. (2023). "LAZINESS OF THE MIND": A PSYCHOLOGICAL PHENOMENON OF THE MODERN TIME. Science Notes of KROK University, (4(72), 222–227. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2023-72-222-227