partnership, interaction, higher education institutions (HEIs), innovation, , economic agent, adaptive developmentAbstract
Over the last four years, universities have faced significant negative effects from major "uncertainty shocks", namely the Covid-19 pandemic, and in 2022 the Ukraine war. Such economic uncertainties, which are by their very nature hard to define, have real consequences not only for a separate university but also for the educational sector of Ukraine. Nowadays Ukrainian universities should adjust to economic uncertainties by considering international partnership as a source for a high-quality education and sustainable development. A high-quality education system should be the result of the process of transformation of higher education in Ukraine and fully complement the goals of sustainable development. This determines the relevance of the research. The aims of the study are (a) to provide an overview of the current state of higher education in Ukraine and (b) outline ways for sustainable development of higher education during economic uncertainties by means of university partnerships. The methodological basis of the study is a set of general methods of scientific knowledge, the systematic and integrated use of which made it possible to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations and scientific and practical approaches to determining the necessity of international partnership of universities as a condition for their sustainable development during economic uncertainties. When studying the essence of international partnership and analyzing economic uncertainties in the education sector, an abstract-logical method, methods of system analysis, systematization and generalization were used; the method of synthesis was used when combining the parts obtained during the analysis into a single whole. The method of induction was used in the formation of general conclusions about the study. The article substantiates university partnership as the ability to provide the scenario of adaptive development with innovative features and the expediency of building university partnerships in Ukraine. Solving this task is related to the formation of an effective partner strategy that will make it possible to identify new and strengthen the existing pros of higher educational institutions and therefore open the ways for further research.
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