


personnel audit, personnel management, audit of employment, efficiency of HR processes, legal requirements, strategic goals


Personnel audit plays an important role in ensuring the effectiveness and safety of the company's personnel policy. The increasing complexity of human resources management in the conditions of globalization and competitive environment necessitates systematic analysis and improvement of HR processes. Domestic and foreign companies are faced with the need for a comprehensive assessment of personnel processes to support stable development and reduce risks associated with personnel policies. Personnel audit is a key tool in ensuring the compliance of personnel with the company's strategic goals, which makes it extremely important for the successful functioning of organizations. The purpose of the article is to research and compare the domestic and foreign experience of organizing a personnel audit, determine the main areas of its application and provide recommendations for improving personnel management in companies. Research methods include theoretical generalization, abstract-logical approach, system analysis and synthesis, comparison. These methods made it possible to systematize the existing approaches to personnel audit, identify their common features and differences, as well as evaluate their effectiveness in different conditions. The main results of the study are the identification of three key aspects of personnel audit: assessment and verification of personnel documentation, compliance of personnel potential with the company's goals, as well as expertise and consulting support in the field of personnel management. It was established that these three components are the main components of personnel audit, which provide a comprehensive approach to the evaluation of personnel processes. The results also showed that personnel audit is a powerful tool for identifying problems in personnel policy and providing recommendations for their elimination. It was found that the domestic approach emphasizes compliance with legislation, while foreign experience is more focused on evaluating the effectiveness of HR processes and the development of corporate culture. The introduction of personnel audit based on the integration of domestic and foreign experience will help increase the efficiency of personnel management, which will allow companies to identify problems in a timely manner and make strategic adjustments to achieve business goals.


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Author Biography

Oksana Motuzenko, "KROK" University

PhD student, Department of Management Technologies, "KROK" University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Motuzenko, O. (2024). PERSONNEL AUDIT ORGANIZATION IN THE COMPANY: DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(75), 120–132.



Chapter 2. Management and administration