


enterprise activities, functions of the logistics channel, logistics channel management processes, logistics channel


The article is devoted to the theoretical-methodical and scientific-practical aspects of the implementation of the processes of management of the logistics channel of food industry enterprises. The approaches of foreign and Ukrainian scientists to the logistics channel are considered. The process of managing the logistics channel is given on the example of the enterprise LLC "Food-Center". The processes of management of the logistics channel of "Food-Center" LLC are analyzed, as well as the diagnostics of the state of logistics of the enterprise are carried out. The result of the analysis and diagnostics is the developed algorithm for improving the processes of managing the logistics channel of Food Center LLC. The article used the following research methods: comparison to compare the performance indicators of "Food-Center" LLC; analysis to diagnose and assess the financial results of Food Center LLC; observation to study the features of the organizational structure of Food Center LLC; systematic approach to study the state of the enterprise, the organizational structure of Food Center LLC; synthesis – to analyze the organizational structure of Food Center LLC, induction – to study the organizational structure of the enterprise, and performance indicators of enterprises, the scenario method to improve the process of demand planning at the enterprise Food Center LLC. The results once again emphasize one of the key roles in providing products to consumers through logistics channels. It is logistics that deals with the management of material, financial and information flows of the enterprise. Due to the constant transformation of logistics, there is an in-depth understanding of it and new logistics formations appear that require research. One of such formations, which is considered in this work, is the logistics channel. Thus, the significance of the process of managing the logistics channel at the enterprises of the food industry is analyzed and proved.


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Author Biographies

Hanna Pazieieva, «KROK» University

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Management Technologies, «KROK» University, Kyiv

Yevhenii Oskolok , KROK University

Master's degree student, «KROK» University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Pazieieva, H., & Oskolok , Y. (2023). MANAGING THE LOGISTICS CHANNEL OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(71), 54–66.