information and analytical support, economic security, system of economic security, economy, information and analytical support in the system of economic securityAbstract
The article deals with the definition of information and analytical support in the system of economic security. An analysis of modern scientific approaches in the field of economics, law, public administration, and other scientific fields was made regarding the understanding of the essence and content, as well as the basic components of this phenomenon and process at different levels of management. It was established that information and analytical support in the system of economic security has convergent and interdisciplinary characters and is interpreted depending on the management level of economic security. At the same time, the information and analytical provision of economic security is formed on the appropriate methods and means of collecting, paying and transmitting information, methods of calculating indicators, indicators, etc., taking into account changes and influences of the external environment, including the development of innovative information technologies. Considering the system of economic security depending on the level: macro - national (state) level, micro - level of an enterprise, organization, etc., it represents a process of management and decision-making, and it differs and is characterized by the multifacetedness and complexity of information and analytical support. Therefore, in order to prevent threats, risks of danger and implement preventive measures or countermeasures, first of all it is necessary to detect, identify and evaluate (with the use of certain methods) the negative impact of these and other processes and phenomena. In addition, it was found that the economic security of an individual, an economic entity and the state are indivisible. At the same time, supranational (international) entities are important in the context of information and analytical support of the economic security system. That is, determining the essence of information and analytical provision of economic security at the global (planetary) level, it should be noted that the subjects of primary information collection are international statistical organizations and services, reporting organizations, analytical centers and others. They perform the central function of collecting information in many countries of the world, and some of them are also engaged in the development of statistical analysis methods. In this context, the object of information and analytical provision of economic security is the economic environment.
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