


inclusion, inclusive innovation, social innovation, evaluation of innovation processes, inclusive growth, creative economy


The article presents a study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of inclusive development, the necessity of using the concept of inclusiveness in modern conditions is substantiated. In accordance with the goal, the article explores the concept of inclusiveness as a basis for the economic development of Ukraine. The level of inclusive development of Ukraine was assessed, the problems of inclusive growth were clarified, and promising directions for the formation of a national model of inclusive growth were determined. The article assesses the level of inclusive development of Ukraine, elucidates the problems of inclusive growth, and identifies promising directions for the formation of a national model of inclusive growth. The methodological basis of the research is general theoretical and specific methods, in particular, the method of logical generalization, comparative analysis, theoretical interpretation, as well as analytical, logical and systematic methods. The essence of inclusive growth as a basis for the formation of an innovative strategy for the economic development of Ukraine has been studied. Attention is focused on the idea of ​​inclusiveness, the priority of which is to improve the well-being of the population, expand the capabilities of a person, his active participation in the production and distribution of goods, guaranteeing social security. Approaches to defining the index of inclusive development as an indicator of economic growth are considered. The components of the inclusive development index are presented. Attention is focused on the necessity and importance of the transition to inclusive development, which creates opportunities for vulnerable contingents of the population for a fairer distribution of resources, and the growth of well-being in society. The key aspects of inclusive growth are identified, including job creation, social protection, social integration, structural transformation, and inclusive innovation. The necessity of introducing "inclusive" innovations and innovative products aimed at improving the well-being of low-income population groups, in particular from the standpoint of their access to basic public services, has been proven. Varieties of inclusive innovations in the field of services, in particular in the field of tourism, are characterized. Attention is focused on ensuring inclusive development as a prerequisite for the well-being of all segments of the population and economic progress in Ukraine.


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Author Biographies

Nataliia Vorobyova, National Academy of Managerial staff of Culture and Arts

Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor оf Departmentart management and event technologies,  National Academy of Managerial staff  of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine

Tetiana Lytvynova, KROK University

Senior teacher оf Tourism Department, KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Vorobyova, N., Hаvrylіuk S., & Lytvynova, T. (2023). SOME ASPECTS OF INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT ECONOMY OF UKRAINE. Science Notes of KROK University, (1(69), 29–37.