


potential, marketing, reengineering, business processes, industrial enterprises


The article is devoted to the development of the methodological foundations of the marketing potential of management system of industrial enterprises. The main approaches of foreign and domestic scientists and economists regarding the construction of a marketing system at enterprises and the determination of their potential are considered. It was determined that the role of marketing potential in the economic activity of industrial enterprises during the restructuring of business processes is an urgent task at the current stage of development. The article, based on the analysis of the main trends of marketing and innovation activity of business entities of different countries, presents the main directions of transition to effective marketing activity in the period of reengineering of business processes of industrial enterprises. During the research, data was collected on the activities of enterprises in the process of assessing the index of global competitiveness of the countries of the world, including EU countries in 2019. A comparative analysis of the main trends in the marketing and innovative activities of enterprises in the assessment of the global competitiveness of the countries of the world was carried out on the basis of statistical information on the activities of enterprises. The method of comparative analysis was used to determine the main directions of marketing and innovation activities of industrial companies; methodical approach, which includes the assessment of the competitiveness of the company's potential with the aim of calculating the indicators of stimulating and disincentive factors characterizing the marketing potential of the enterprise; the Euclidean distance method for determining the integral indicator of the marketing potential of a business entity. The obtained calculation results demonstrate the final assessment of the marketing potential of an industrial enterprise during the reengineering of business processes, which allows the top management of an industrial enterprise to determine the level of effectiveness of the enterprise's marketing activities and make informed management decisions. The significance of the calculations of indicators of the marketing potential of industrial enterprises during the reengineering of their business processes was formed.


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Author Biography

Serhii Pyzhianov, KROK University

Postgraduate student, KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine


Офіційний сайт Державної служби статистики України. URL: (дата звернення 18.12.2022)

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How to Cite

Pyzhianov, S. (2023). MARKETING POTENTIAL IN THE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. Science Notes of KROK University, (1(69), 101–109.



Chapter 2. Management and administration