


personal characteristics, professional interests, professional identity, strategy of work implementation, transition to adulthood


One of the main tasks of the transition to adulthood is choosing a career. In the article, the author tries to find out the professional identity of young people, analyzing their career interests, work implementation strategies and personal characteristics. The author notes three factors that affect the formation of adulthood. These include: the transition to an information technology economy and the corresponding increase in the need for graduates; accordingly, the transition to career, marriage and parenthood occurs later than before; a dramatic increase in the educational and career opportunities available to women, fueling the desire for higher education and careers; greater tolerance for premarital sex. In the article, the author also relies on the theory of Jeffrey Arnett, who singled out the "big three" criteria of adulthood. Among them is the ability to take responsibility for actions, making independent decisions, as well as gaining financial independence. The author notes that there are disagreements among authors regarding age periodization. However, more and more scientists are inclined to think that the period of youth is extended by several years and the onset of adulthood is somewhat delayed. Scientists indicate that the consequences of the transition period, combined with the new requirements of the global information culture, support the desire for emotional and intellectual independence and control over the environment, especially among younger cohorts who have been socialized in conditions without a historical counterpart. The research paper also mentions studies that look for the relationship and overlap between professional interests and personal factors using the Big Five model.


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Author Biography

Olha Zaverukha, Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after S.Z. Gzhitskyi

Candidate of psychological sciences, senior teacher of the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy, Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after S.Z. Gzhitskyi, Lviv, Ukraine


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