logistics management, traditional management, principlesAbstract
. It is determined that the process of improving and improving the efficiency of logistics management of modern organizations based on new logistics concepts, approaches and management principles is becoming increasingly relevant. This is due to the fact that in modern conditions there is an increasing pace of transition from traditional approaches and principles of management to more modern and advanced logistics. The article conducted a comparative analysis of traditional and logistics management in order to substantiate the initial data and the grounds for further improvement of logistics management due to certain positive and negative features of these types of management. A number of differences between traditional and logistics management have been identified, as generally conceptual (fundamental) ones in the field of production organization, management of financial, material and information flows. In addition, much in common in these management processes has been investigated, which is associated with the single nature and philosophy of these phenomena. It is investigated that the process of logistics management is a continuation of the traditional management of objects of economy and production in new economic and market conditions. Also, ways to further improve the logistics management of modern organizations are proposed precisely due to the identified positive and negative features of these types of management and the prospects for further research in this area are proposed.
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