life perspective, self-determination, life plan, life goals, future, experience, value orientations, realizationAbstract
The era of social changes, crises and wars, complex conditions of social life require a person to choose the right life line, which contributes to preserving the integrity of the inner world and achieving self-realization in the future. The phenomenon of "personal life prospects" is of particular importance when building a life path. The study of ideas about life prospects becomes especially important when addressing the situation of perception of the future, prediction of future events, setting goals and choosing ways to achieve them. Such studies determine the construction of life plans in the context of the organization of human activity and behavior in the present. The article reflects the results of a theoretical study of the basics of the life prospects of combatants. In the course of the study, the following research tasks were set: to theoretically define and characterize the life perspective of combatants; to analyze the content and specifics of the assessment of the individual's life perspective; generalize approaches to the problem of studying the life perspective of an individual. The purpose of the article is to define, characterize, research, analyze and generalize the features of the life perspective of combatants. The content and specifics of assessing the life prospects of the individual are analyzed. Approaches to the problem of studying the life perspective of the individual are generalized. The concept of life perspective is seen as a holistic picture of the future, which is interrelated with programmed and expected events, on which depends the social value and meaning of life. The life perspective built by a person is described with the help of a number of characteristics. The paradigm of the life path of the individual is outlined. The components that ensure the realization of life prospects are identified, namely: life goals; plans; programs; acquired life experience of the individual; value orientations of the individual.
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