business reputation, economic security of the construction companyAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of historical stages of development of the concept of "business reputation". The purpose of the article was to study the historical stages of formation of the category of "business reputation" and the possibilities of its use to ensure the economic security of enterprises. The research methodology involves the use of historical methods, methods of analysis and synthesis of methods of comparison and systematization, as well as other methods to achieve this goal. The study examines the main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "business reputation" and the main criteria that can be used for evaluation. The main Ukrainian registers that can be used to assess the goodwill collected by the subject of evaluation should be accumulated, analyzed and checked with the use of tools, the use of which does not contradict the legislation of Ukraine and international legal acts. The author's definition of the concept of "business reputation" is proposed, which is proposed to understand the subjective rational judgment (reasoning) of the state and relations of the business entity to make about him (him) communicative (managerial) decisions. In this case, the term "communicative solution" is proposed to mean the concept of possible actions on the object of interest. The main contradictions between the theoretical concept of "business reputation" and the statutory concept. The components that make up the concept of goodwill must comply with the law, and the study and evaluation must be carried out using legitimate tools. Clear implementation of the Law in the process of studying business reputation, able to introduce correlations to its definitions, components, criteria, etc. In further scientific publications, attention will be paid to the development of the real reality of business reputation, the features of the business reputation of the construction company, the relationship of economic security of the construction company with the state of its business reputation.
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