economic policy, armed conflict, hybrid warfare, financial security, military doctrine, national securityAbstract
With the development of globalization processes and the growth of armed conflicts and local wars between states, there is a tendency to increase funding for the military sector, and consequently increase the number of new weapons systems and military equipment and their high-tech development. There is an increase in military potential, combat capabilities of the armed forces, which in turn will ensure the protection of national interests and national security in general. The purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of economic policy on national security of Ukraine. The article analyzes the impact of financial factors of economic policy on national security of Ukraine and studies the relationship between military spending and economic growth of leading countries, including Ukraine, assessing the military and economic potential of the state, as well as a comparative analysis of the current state of funding Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO member states in order to partially understand the degree of national security of our country. Methodical tools of the study were methods of analysis, comparison, induction. Some factors influencing the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (hereinafter - the Armed Forces) and the conditions for ensuring national security are considered. The current trends in the development of local wars and armed conflicts in the world are analyzed. The necessity of increasing defense expenditures and funding to ensure national security as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine in order to effectively ensure the national security of the state is substantiated. A study of the relationship between military defense budget expenditures and economic growth based on the analysis of data from leading countries, the budget distribution of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the dynamics of financing the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to GDP, and the purchase of new weapons and military equipment. The article shows the relationship between such concepts as economic potential (financial support and defense spending) and military potential of the state (provision of weapons and military equipment), which are components of economic policy and not the possibility of developing military potential without economic potential. Such a comparative analysis of the financial support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine allowed us to partially assess the state's potential to ensure its national security and draw certain conclusions about the understanding of existing factors that influence the formation of economic policy.
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