subjective well-being (psychological well-being), staff of educational organizations, professional developmentAbstract
The article highlights the results of an empirical study of the problem of professional development as a factor of the subjective well-being of staff of educational organizations. The purpose of the article is to highlight professional development as a factor in the subjective well-being of staff of educational organizations. The author analyses the views of scientists on the essence and understanding of the extract of subjective well-being and professional development. In order to identify awareness of the need for professional development to achieve the subjective well-being of staff of educational organizations, especially its psychological component, a study was conducted, which involved 103 people from educational organizations from different regions of Ukraine. An insufficient level of awareness and understanding of the need for development in the professional sphere has been established. And half of the respondents associate professional development with the need to acquire knowledge about professional activities, a third of them - with the acquisition of public speaking skills, motivation and desire to self-improve, achieve professional success and etc. Only a third of the respondents had a high level of psychological well-being, and a low level was found in almost half of the respondents, which indicates an impressively low level of life satisfaction. In particular, only a third of the respondents showed a high level of autonomy, the desire for personal growth, purposefulness and a sense of consciousness of life, recognition and acceptance of all their own personal diversity, including both good and bad qualities. The results of analysis of variance found a statistically significant direct relationship between the desire for continuous self-development and continuous self-improvement in professional activities throughout life and the level of psychological well-being, and the need and sense of continuous personal development increase with increased psychological well-being.
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