TIME STRUCTURING BY A PERSON IN DIFFICULT LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES (on the example of the world quarantine situation of COVID-19)


  • Hanna Abanina "KROK" University
  • Yana Shevchuk "KROK" University




time structuring, quarantine, difficult life situations, stress, depression, adaptation


The COVID-19 pandemic has become a serious test not only for Ukrainian society, but for all mankind. During the quarantine we started living in completely new conditions. There are changes both at the level of the individual's psyche and at the macro-social level. An important positive trend is that, without clear answers to these questions, health professionals and politicians in many countries have united and defined a single system of behavioral norms: hygiene, social distance, self-isolation where necessary, use of protective equipment (masks and gloves), compliance with the quarantine regime, etc. The effective experience of countries where certain security measures have worked and contributed to the decline of the epidemic inspires citizens of different countries to act cautiously and consciously to prevent the uncontrolled spread of the coronavirus. The purpose of the article is to present the results of theoretical substantiation and empirical study of the impact of complex life circumstances on the structuring of human time in a global quarantine situation. The article substantiates the relevance of the study of the peculiarities of experiencing and Time structuring  by a person in difficult life circumstances on the example of the world quarantine situation of COVID-19. The results of theoretical analysis of the problem of time structuring by a person in difficult life circumstances are presented, in particular, six types of time structuring according to Eric Berne are described: Withdrawal, Rituals, Activities, Pastimes, Psychological games, Intimacy. A general scheme for the formation of changes in time structuring in the form of a Conceptual Model of time structuring under the influence of a difficult life situation (on an example of a situation of world quarantine COVID-19) is also proposed. A comparative analysis of the types of time structuring according to Eric Bern in the context of the world quarantine situation of COVID-19  is carried out. The results of an empirical study of the relationship between the types of time structuring in a situation of quarantine and forced isolation are presented.


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Author Biographies

Hanna Abanina, "KROK" University

PhD (Psychological), аssociate рrofessor of рsychology, Educational and Scientific Institute of Psychology

Yana Shevchuk, "KROK" University



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How to Cite

Abanina, H., & Shevchuk, Y. (2021). TIME STRUCTURING BY A PERSON IN DIFFICULT LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES (on the example of the world quarantine situation of COVID-19). Science Notes of KROK University, (3(63), 178–188. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2021-63-178-188