human capital, state institutions, human capital development, education, science, motivational incentivesAbstract
The article systematizes scientific approaches to the problems of formation and development of human capital of state institutions. The author notes that there are only a few unsystematic studies of the formation and development of human capital of public institutions. The article proves that investment in it is a decisive factor in the development of the enterprise in any field of activity, while the creation and accumulation of human capital is considered a strategic task. The importance of improving the formation and use of human capital in the system of public institutions determines the need to develop a mechanism for managing this process, which is understood as a set of tools, mechanisms, tools and ways to influence human capital used by public authorities, local governments, state enterprises (organizations, institutions) in order to increase economic growth and innovation. The conducted analysis gives grounds to single out six clusters of problems of formation and development of human capital of state institutions. First, an important problem in the formation of human capital of public institutions is the formation of an adequate personnel policy for human capital in the country. This personnel policy should take into account the innovative requirements for specialists and provide methods, mechanisms, training tools, training, the formation of government orders, the formation of the reserve, and so on. Secondly, the formation of an innovative knowledge infrastructure taking into account the requirements of modern society, as well as the development of international integration, globalization processes. Third, the effective development of human capital in the light of current globalization challenges, including the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fourth, the formation of effective motivational incentives for staff development, as well as their productive and effective activities. Fifth, the scientific basis, which involves the introduction of innovative mechanisms for the formation and development of such capital, the systematization of foreign experience and its implementation in modern realities in Ukraine. Sixth, the problem of legal regulation of the formation and development of human capital of state institutions. In our opinion, the concept of formation and development of human capital of state institutions needs to be developed and adopted.
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