partnerships, public contract system, business, government, market economy, public administration and public fundingAbstract
At the present stage of building the Ukrainian state, the problems of organizing and improving the interaction between government and business are especially relevant. In response to the growing demands on business, there is a growing awareness of the need for constructive dialogue between government, business and society. However, a balance of interests between business, the state and local authorities in the issue of responsibility for the welfare of citizens, territory and the country as a whole has not yet been found. In addition, economists and practitioners for many years trying to find ways to solve problems related to reduced business efficiency, institutional shortcomings of its operation, increasing social responsibility of both the state and individual businesses, the merger of government institutions and business structures, which creates corruption and many other deviant manifestations in the business environment and hinders the process of reforming society as a whole. The existing system of business-state relations in Ukraine necessitates the formation of new mechanisms of partnership and interaction between them based on a combination of the principles of state regulation of the economy to ensure the goals, objectives and priorities of society and motivational business interests.World practice of using different models of partnership between the state and business, due to the need to implement national, strategic and large programs and projects of priority socio-economic importance; the importance of the existence of certain network and monopoly segments in state ownership due to the strategic, economic and socio-political significance of infrastructure facilities; institutional unwillingness of the owner (state and individual regions) to transfer certain rights to business infrastructure; lack of public funds to ensure their expanded reproduction; high risk of investing in capital-intensive facilities in the absence of state guarantees. The purpose of the article is to analyze the forms of partnership between business and government in a market economy. The article considers the types of business interaction with public authorities and administration. The three most important forms of partnership between the state and business are identified.
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