
  • Tеtiana Suhak European University, Krivoy Rog branch




economic security, system of accounting and analytical support, financial component of the economic security system, COVID-19, threats, risks, cyber risk


The integration of Ukraine's economy into the world economic space, ensuring the efficiency of functioning and development of domestic enterprises depend on the effectiveness of the management process. At present, every enterprise in order to continue to function stably must follow the path of constant innovative development. The purpose of the article is to highlight the priority areas for improving the information and analytical support of the financial component of the economic security of the enterprise) in the conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The introduction of quarantine caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has forced most Ukrainian companies to transfer employees to remote work. The article examines the features of information and analytical support of the financial component of the system of economic security of enterprises (EBS) in the conditions caused by the pandemic COVID-19. It is analyzed and determined that the Covid-19 pandemic has created real threats to the national security of Ukraine in general and the economic security of enterprises in particular. Information and analytical support of the financial component of the system of economic security of Ukrainian enterprises under the influence of certain circumstances and factors requires timely anti-crisis decisions. The risks of ensuring the financial security of the enterprise have been identified. Conclusions on the peculiarities of providing information and analytical support of the financial component of the system of economic security of enterprises in modern conditions are substantiated. It is determined that for the implementation of enterprise development it is important to establish modern effective forms of interaction of the components of the economic security of the enterprise in the organization of financial monitoring and creation and maintenance of conditions for financial security of Ukrainian enterprises. Which, in turn, will introduce anti-crisis management of the enterprise, as it helps to anticipate and minimize risks and directly affects its economic security.


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Author Biography

Tеtiana Suhak, European University, Krivoy Rog branch

Ph.D. (Economics), s.lecturer of economics and management department


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How to Cite

Suhak, T. (2021). FEATURES OF INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT OF THE FINANCIAL COMPONENT OF THE SYSTEM OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF ENTERPRISES IN TERMS OF COVID-19. Science Notes of KROK University, (2 (62), 144–149. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2021-62-144-149



Chapter 8. Economic security of the state and economic entities