
  • Andrii Tymoshenko «KROK» University



smuggling, scheme, economic security, customs control, administrative and criminal liability


Smuggling as a type of customs offense has been known since ancient times. In particular, it is mentioned in ancient Greek and Roman legal and literary sources. Currently, one of the negative trends in the fight against smuggling is that the prospects and opportunities for soda resolution of criminal cases in this category remain small. Smuggling and violation of customs rules are the basis for the existence of customs crime. Smuggling is the main system-forming crime that has historically laid the foundations for the emergence of the concept of "customs crime". Smuggling is a criminal act known to mankind since ancient times. Smuggling and export of items such as drugs, weapons, cigarettes and cultural property are particularly dangerous because of the highly organized transnational markets involved in the smuggling of these goods. The term is of Italian origin and means "against (contra) government decree (bando)". Smuggling as a crime is provided by law in almost all countries. It is an essential component of economic crime, related to embezzlement, evasion of customs duties, and the commission of official crimes. Smuggling is characterized by a high degree of organization, technical support, and international connections. Smuggling and export of items such as drugs, weapons, cigarettes and cultural property are particularly dangerous because of the highly organized transnational markets involved in the smuggling of these goods. The public danger is that the illegal movement of goods and objects across the customs border of Ukraine violates the procedure for state regulation of foreign economic activity, which includes the general, and for certain goods - a special procedure for moving them across the border. According to the Security Service of Ukraine, only 25% of criminal cases on smuggling initiated by customs authorities go to court, and only 10% of defendants are punished. Thus, the relevance of the topic of research of smuggling as a crime, public relations in the field of customs, the interests of the state, which is harmed by criminal acts is very relevant in our time, when the formation and improvement of Ukraine's customs system and relevant legislation. The purpose of the article is to analyze modern smuggling schemes and provide proposals for its minimization. The article analyzes modern smuggling schemes; suggestions for minimizing smuggling were provided.


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Author Biography

Andrii Tymoshenko, «KROK» University

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Tymoshenko, A. (2021). CHARACTERISTICS OF MODERN SMUGGLING SCHEMES. Science Notes of KROK University, (2 (62), 109–114.



Chapter 6. Management and marketing