
  • Viktor Grushko "KROK" University
  • Dmytro Shuldyakov ВНЗ «Університет економіки та права «КРОК»




financial regulation, income, households, market economy, government regulation


Ukraine has entered a new era of history, associated with the Revolution of Dignity and the emergence of the opportunity to build a new country on the principles of sustainable development, rule of law, protection of human rights, democracy, solidarity, and good governance. Sustainable development is focused primarily on people and improving their quality of life in a favorable socio-economic environment and environmentally. clean, healthy, diverse natural environment. Sustainable development of the national economy is aimed at overcoming poverty through effective employment, high labor costs, accumulation of human and social capital, development of entrepreneurial activity, strengthening the middle class, raising social standards and guarantees, and providing necessary social support to vulnerable groups. One of the important issues in the functioning of households is the formation of their sufficient financial base, which will fully ensure the development of each member of the household - the direct owners and carriers of human capital. The need for state regulation of the economy stems from the objectively inherent economic functions of the state. Given the existence of various forms of ownership, the role of state regulation is, on the one hand, to provide a legal mechanism for their implementation, and on the other - in the directed influence on market parameters that ensure the organization of the economic system as a whole. Today in Ukraine the objective necessity of transition to the regulated market is generally recognized. However, the forms, principles and means of state regulation are not clearly defined. Because of this, it is especially important to establish the range of objects of state influence, because it is the object that determines the adequate economic form of state regulation. The development of the object of regulation determines the development of forms and means of its regulation. The aim of the article is to improve the financial regulation of household incomes. The article considers the issue of household income regulation through the assessment of household income indicators. The real tendencies and regularities in their dynamics are analyzed and effective ways and mechanisms of further growth of incomes of the population and accordingly its standard of living are offered.


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Author Biographies

Viktor Grushko, "KROK" University

Doctor of sciences (Economics), professor, head of national economy and finance department

Dmytro Shuldyakov, ВНЗ «Університет економіки та права «КРОК»



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How to Cite

Grushko, V., & Shuldyakov, D. (2021). WAYS OF THE IMPROVEMENT IN FINANCIAL REGULATION OF HOUSEHOLD INCOMES. Science Notes of KROK University, (2 (62), 34–43. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2021-62-35-43



Chapter 3. Finance, banking and insurance