
  • Tatіana Kovalkova «KROK» University



volitional regulation, emotional regulation, student, training


The mental level of regulation is leading in human behavior; thanks to it the information exchange, adaptation to life is carried out. The behavior of the individual acquires the character of purposeful activity, in which its activity is most fully realized, which is regulated by a conscious goal. In the article is noted that student is the driving force of all educational processes. The purpose of this article is to highlight the possibilities of developing volitional and emotional regulation of students through training. According to the purpose the following tasks of research are defined: 1. On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature to generalize theoretical approaches concerning a problem of emotional and volitional regulation of behavior of the person. 2. To substantiate the training program "Development of emotional and volitional regulation of students". Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the author generalized theoretical approaches to the problem of emotional and volitional regulation of behavior of personality. The main methods of emotional self-regulation of personality are determined. On the basis of research of theoretical literature, the possibilities of application of psychoregulatory training for development of ability to volitional effort are described. Basal (primary) and systemic (secondary) volitional qualities of personality are characterized as stable, independent of the situation mental formations that state the level of conscious self-regulation of behavior achieved by the student. They include: energy, patience, endurance, courage, persistence, discipline, independence, purposefulness, initiative and good organization. The training program for the development of emotional and volitional regulation of students is substantiated. The purpose, tasks, principles and rules of the training, methods used during the training are described, They include: group discussions, projective methods, psychogymnastic and practical exercises, role games and brainstorming.


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Author Biography

Tatіana Kovalkova, «KROK» University

PhD (Pedagogical), аssociate рrofessor of psychology department


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How to Cite

Kovalkova, T. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ EMOTIONAL AND VOLUNTARY REGULATION. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (61), 242–250.