intellectual resources, management, development, education, innovations, conceptAbstract
The article presents the conceptual foundations of managing the development of intellectual resources in the economy of Ukraine, the use of which will improve the quality of domestic education and innovative progress in accordance with international standards, promote intellectual, cultural, spiritual and moral potential of society and systematization, development of specialized legislation. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the scientific and applied principles of formation and implementation of the concept of managing the development of intellectual resources of the economy of Ukraine. Education, science and innovation are defined by the modern economy as areas of a comprehensive mechanism through which Ukraine could increase the competitiveness of the economy and strengthen its position in the world market. This can be achieved only by: in-depth analysis of intellectual and financial resources, taking into account the interests of scientists, entrepreneurs, consumers and society as a whole; interaction of internal measures to promote innovation with the needs of the world market and consumer preferences; active participation of the leadership of the state and private enterprises on the basis of private-public partnership. Renewal and development of education must become proactive and continuous, respond flexibly to all processes taking place in Ukraine and the world. Improving the quality of education will contribute to the economic growth of the state and the solution of social problems of societies. Quality education is a necessary condition for ensuring sustainable democratic development of society. Implementation of the provisions of the concept of improving the management of intellectual resources in Ukraine will allow to establish a close relationship between the state and society for the management of intellectual resources, which will significantly strengthen the theoretical and practical relationship between public administration and economic and political security of Ukraine. It is proved that the formation of the national market of intellectual resources will allow Ukraine to ensure the status of an intellectual state, which will contribute to its socio-economic development provided the reproduction and commercialization of intellectual resources of individuals, businesses and society as a whole.
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