
  • Nadiia Pysar State University of Telecommunications
  • Аnastasiia Savranenko 2 State University of Telecommunications
  • Nina Drokina State University of Telecommunications




design, system of marketing communications, consumers, marketing, product, market, business, demand, product design, address design, industrial design, graphic design


In today's world, the visual composition of logos, brochures, advertising banners has an extraordinary impact on the decision to buy, because potential buyers first evaluate "on the cover". Therefore, great attention should be paid to the very place of design in the system of marketing communications, its proper application to the product, because every product that wants to occupy a significant niche in a competitive environment, should stand out, be remembered, be remembered. communications, makes products more attractive to potential buyers, and fits perfectly into modern trends, trends and directions. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the importance and integrality of design in the system of marketing communications, to consider examples of its correct application and to prove that marketing is impossible without design. The task of the research is to consider the significance and harmony of the art of design in the system of marketing communications, to prove its necessity. The object of research is the art of design in the system of marketing communications, design factors. The subject of research is design in the marketing system of PJSC "Philip Morris Ukraine" for the study of the company's brand, as well as the analysis of their activities in the direction of design in the system of marketing communications. As a result of this research the place of design in the system of marketing communications is defined and improved, the basic tendencies of design and its necessity of introduction in the system of marketing communications are defined. The concepts of marketing communications and design are revealed and their inseparable interrelation is proved. It is established that marketing communications is a system of methods of informing consumers about the product, and design is the creation of an aesthetic appearance of the product, combined with its convenient functional application.


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Author Biographies

Nadiia Pysar, State University of Telecommunications

Doctor of sciences (Economics), professor of marketing department

Nina Drokina, State University of Telecommunications

Doctor of sciences (Economics), associate professor


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How to Cite

Pysar, N., Savranenko А., & Drokina, N. (2021). ELEMENTS OF CORPORATE STYLE IN THE SYSTEM OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (61), 142–146. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2021-61-142-146



Chapter 6. Management and marketing