Statistical verification of the national economy public sector stability evaluation
public sector, national economy, macroeconomic stability, evaluation integral index, statistical verificationAbstract
This article is devoted to the important scientific problem of the national economy government solution. In this case it means achieving greater adequacy and acceptability of the public sector stability evaluation. The authors assumed that this problem has two aspects: theoretical and applied. The theoretical aspect involves some design of the integral index construction which is based on certain ideas and assumptions. The following ideas and assumptions were used in the Integral Index of public sector stability: the public sector is the sphere of the national economy which consist of the central, local government and public corporations sub-sectors; this sphere is responsible for creating public services (public goods); the list of these public serviceses is changing with the development of society
The applied aspect is related to the verification of the adequacy and appropriateness of the theoretical design. Under constructing the initial design of the integral index, the official methodics of calculation approved by the Ukrainian government were partially used. The calculations and conclusions are based on the Ukrainian economy data over the ten-year period. The integral index was constructed with 12 indicators which are united into five groups, namely: 1) the formation of a national production and financial infrastructure, 2) guaranteeing social justice, 3) life safety, 4) providing a certain level of education and 5) health protection.. This index has been statistically verified using the main component method. After verification and implementation of the factorization procedure, less powerful indicators were removed and a new index was constructed. Moreover, of the 12 indicators used in the first construction of the integral index, only five indicators remained. This new index covers indicators that are more statistically significant and provide an opportunity to better assess the level of stability of the public sector of the national economy
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