
  • Zhanna Balabaniuk Business School KROK




new labor models, digital economy, social and labor relations, new labor ethics, new income structure, universal basic income


In connection with overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, long and strict quarantine restrictions (introduction of isolation and border closure regimes, there is a need to find and create new growth points for local economies and reformat the existing global market for goods and services, and the global labor market too.  The existing approaches to understanding work, a job and employment, remuneration for work, obtaining passive income, and social practice need to be reconsidered. New economies are emerging, such as the knowledge economy, the economy of attention, the network economy, the digital economy, the data economy, the gig economy, the sharing economy, the cyber economy, the gaming economy, and the virtual economy/synthetic sconomy. The space economy and the space industry are also developing. All these economies blur the line between work, a job and other activities. A job as the main source of income over time for most of the world's population may cease to be crucial. At the same time, activities that were previously perceived as hobbies or entertainment, such as browsing the Internet, computer games, content creation, are transformed into employment and become a source of income.  As a result, there is a need to form and create innovative approaches and find quick and effective solutions to minimize social gaps and risks. The aim of this paper is to study the change of labor paradigm under the influence of various factors, highlight the main trends of the labor market and on their basis outline the main modern labor models, their features and vectors of further transformation of the global labor market. The paper analyzes the main latest trends in the labor market, namely: variability; flexibility of the social and labor sphere; remote work as a style of life; formation of new labor relations and new labor ethics; transformation of social norms, values and consumption structure; formation of a new structure of personal income; and the formation of a new market for the regulation of labor relations, including new social institutions. The author identifies ten newest models of employment, among them: the model of mixed teams; the remote employment model (cloud teams); the model of involving external experts or employees; the model of involving consumers in the creation of a product or service; the model of using unpaid labor; the virtual employment model; the model of game employment; the model of obtaining universal basic income (UBI); the model of selling one’s own data for income; and the employment model of different systems (humans, robots and artificial intelligence).


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Author Biography

Zhanna Balabaniuk, Business School KROK

Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management, General Director at R&C Kyiv Group LLC, Postdoctoral student at the Institute of the State Employment Service of Ukraine, Visiting lecturer


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How to Cite

Balabaniuk, Z. (2021). XXI CENTURY LABOUR MODELS: HOW THE PARADIGM OF LABOR RELATIONS WILL CHANGE IN THE AGE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (61), 107–119. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2021-61-107-119



Chapter 6. Management and marketing