regional economy, regional policy, region, organizational and economic mechanism, sustainable development, development of productive forcesAbstract
The article is devoted to the definition of the structure and technologies of the organizational and economic mechanism of implementation of the regional policy of sustainable development. The purpose of the article is to determine the structure and technology of organizational and economic mechanism for implementing regional policy of sustainable development. It is substantiated that regional economic policy should be formed with the help of general scientific (problem approach, system approach) and special methods, taking into account the classification and typology of regions. It is proved that for the implementation of an effective anti-crisis policy, it is important to analyze the economy of the regions by considering the indicator of economic potential of the region as the main indicator of the state of regional development. It is determined that the economic potential can be considered as the material basis of the system of organization of national, regional and industrial economy, while the level of economic potential is a measure of the development of productive forces and competitiveness of a territorial production system. It is proposed to characterize the category of economic potential not only by the quantitative component - resources, but also by the qualitative - the state of the material and technical base of economic systems. It is substantiated that due to the use of levers to support the dynamic balance of the regional system, motivation of economic entities to more efficient reproduction and to increase competitiveness embodies a purposeful process of building the capacity of the regional system, leading to higher living standards. It is determined that from the point of view of the region, the development of a strategy for its sustainable development should provide for the identification among its key components of the factor of sustainable development of the real sector of the region's economy. It is proved that in the long run the factors that directly affect the degree of stability of the region are management and governance and participation in economic relations, taking into account important factors with direct endogenous impact: production, technology and infrastructure. Measures have been identified that will contribute to the balance of the budget system and can be implemented at the regional level.
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