aggression, anxiety, emotional burnout, motherhood, frustration, psychoprophylaxisAbstract
This article presents the empirical research results of the problem of mothers’ emotional burnout. We have identified the main factors that may cause mothers’ emotional burnout. Also, we have found out the main symptoms that emerge in mothers’ life: fatigue, emotional stress, anxiety, frustration, aggression, guilt, suicidal thoughts. There is a problem of low mothers’ awareness of their emotional state as a mental illness. They mistakenly perceived symptoms of emotional burnout as an irreversible change in their character. Self-dissatisfaction as mother and disappointment with maternity lead to frustration. Lack of confidence brings out anxiety for the child. Finally, frustration and anxiety may cause mothers’ emotional burnout. There are many methodologies for measuring emotional burnout but only few of them suit for the diagnosis of mothers’ emotional burnout. The major requirements are to aim at the main symptoms of emotional burnout. In our research we used three valid methodologies, questionnaire, interviews and survey. An empirical research has shown high correlations between emotional burnout, anxiety and frustration. This confirms our presumption that frustration, dissatisfaction with motherhood and anxiety may be the main reasons for mothers' emotional burnout. There are many methods of mothers’ emotional burnout prevention. In our research we have proposed the following preventive measures: self-regulation techniques, music for relaxation, deep breathing exercises, training of various sense organs, massage, meditation, art therapy, etc. We have created a special program for preventing emotional burnout of mothers. That was conducted for the experimental group of mothers. At the end of the program mothers have completed testing one more time. The results of the final test show positive changes in many indications. Mothers who participated in our research got reduced levels of frustration, anxiety and emotional burnout.
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