information, innovation, innovative technology, higher education, higher educational institution, educational process, distance learning, virtual reality, augmented realityAbstract
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the introduction of innovative technologies in the activities of higher educational institutions. The study emphasizes the importance of innovative technologies for the educational sphere, given its specifics and role in social sphere. It was analysed of the concepts of «innovation» and «innovative product». It was found that innovation is the end of result of innovation, which manifests itself in the form of a completely new or improved existing product or technological process, which was endowed with qualitative advantages in the use and design, production, marketing. At the same time, innovation must be used in practice and have a public advantage. The signs, non-compliance with which can level the innovation are identified: timeliness, acceptability, situationality. It is stated that the innovations declared in the current legislation and numerous programs, concepts, strategies for the development of the domestic education system, mostly remain unrealized. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of distance learning format, which may include both tests of knowledge and counseling, reading the literature, conducting research and more. This format is especially acute in view of measures to combat the spread of COVID-19. Particular attention is paid to promising projects for the use of virtual and augmented reality (Virtual Reality – VR, Augmented Reality – AR). The indisputable advantages of the use of such technologies are singled out, in particular: clarity, concentration, informativeness, maximum involvement, safety, individual approach, efficiency. At the same time, it is emphasized that VR and AR have some shortcomings and pose potential threats. All the advantages and disadvantages should be taken into account in the process of planning activities for the implementation of such innovations in the activities of domestic higher education institutions.
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