modernization, industry, investment and innovation support, digital technologies, automation, informatization, fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0.Abstract
The article explores the practical aspects of implementing the modernization of industry on the basis of Industry 4.0. in Ukraine. The theoretical principles and essence of the implementation of industry modernization on the basis of Industry 4.0 are generalized. and innovation and investment support is necessary for the implementation of these processes. The main prerequisites for the development and active implementation of the national platform of Industry 4.0 are defined. for industry. It was found that the first precondition is the need to create and operate companies to manage the innovation cycle, which are clusters, associations, development agencies, associations and are market institutions whose organizations function in managing innovations at the early stages of the innovation cycle, combining and combining various enterprises working in the field of technology with industrial enterprises of producers requiring the introduction of these technologies, as well as with investment companies and service structures that ensure the implementation or maintenance of certain processes in the organization of innovation activities. It is determined that the second precondition is the activation of the activities of research centers, business incubators, universities, laboratories, innovation centers, design bureaus of individual companies that directly generate innovations and create startups. It was found that the third precondition is the formation of incubation and acceleration zones for innovators, providing movement from innovative idea to prototype. Such zones are incubators and accelerators, functioning with the support of the respective funds, donor organizations. It is justified that the fourth precondition is the creation of a zone of experience and testing, which will ensure the possibility of testing technologies, their approbation for viability. It is determined that in order to innovatively ensure the introduction of technologies of industry 4.0. in the domestic industry it is necessary to develop infrastructure, since ukraine does not actually developed techno-parks centers of expertise, laboratories, all this requires directing capital investments and state investment and innovation support, as well as the need to ensure integration and establish links between different participants of the process from creation to industrial introduction of innovations. It is justified that in this way the country can form a national "industrial ecosystem" industry 4.0. on the basis of which it is possible to modernize the restoration of domestic industry.
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