
  • J. Neustroev Odessa national academy of food technologies
  • Т. Yegorova-Gudkova Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University
  • V. Ostryanko Odessa national academy of food technologies



digitalization of the economy, technological structure, economic security, indicators, threats, anti-crisis policy, the real sector of the economy


The article is devoted to the solution of theoretical and methodological problems and practical issues of further improvement of the management of the economic security system of Ukraine in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. The state of digitalization, the factors influencing the level of digitalization and economic security, the connection between economic security and digitalization processes, as well as the formation of opportunities for change in the system of technological systems in Ukraine are analyzed. Many countries around the world are implementing state programs and strategies for the digitalization of national economies, the results of which the World Economic Forum estimates at a global scale of more than 30 trillion dollars. US revenue by 2025. The state of economic security of the state provides for the creation of the necessary conditions for innovative economic development and the organization of enterprises of the 5th and 6th technological systems in the country's economy. One of the components of innovative development is the digitalization of the economy. Evolution of economic relations on the basis of information and communication technologies (ICT), including The Internet, commercial activities on the Internet, Internet payment systems form the digital economy. Intangible assets form the competitive advantages of business and government and are the basis for the production of high-tech products, with high added value and low transaction costs, compared to other industries. Lower transaction costs provide less economic burden in the digital sector, for example, which contributes to a higher growth rate of this sector and, ultimately, increase the competitiveness of the country's economy and a positive impact on the state of economic security.From the point of view of systems theory, each system has an input, an operating circuit and an output. At the level of business or enterprise, the contour of operational closure is formed by internal and external conditions of production, at the level of the economy - the domestic market, the level of development of which directly affects the state of economic security, the ability to counter crisis transfer, disparities and crises. The more developed and complex the domestic market is, the more additional or emergent properties arise in the contour of the operational closure of the economic system of the country. Thus, we can track the impact of digitalization on the dynamics of economic growth in general, as well as on the state of economic security, the potential for innovative development, creating conditions for change in the set of technological systems. It should be noted that the principle of proportional and safe development should be borne in mind when drafting digitalization development projects and programs. The authors hypothesize that a parabolic Laffer model can be used for this purpose.


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Author Biographies

J. Neustroev, Odessa national academy of food technologies

Ph.D. (Economics), associate professor economic theory and financial and economic security department

Т. Yegorova-Gudkova, Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University

Ph.D. (Economics), associate professor marketing and business administration department

V. Ostryanko, Odessa national academy of food technologies



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How to Cite

Neustroev, J., Yegorova-Gudkova Т., & Ostryanko, V. (2020). ANALYSIS OF IMPACT OF DIGITALIZATION OF ECONOMY ON THE SYSTEM OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF STATE. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (60), 202–209.



Chapter 8. Economic security of the state and economic entities