typology of organizational flexibility, organizational flexibility, managerial flexibility, strategic flexibility, metaflexibility, flexibility of human resources, agile business modelsAbstract
Organizations that plan to develop dynamically and increase their competitiveness, form a business model based on corporate values. Today's hypercompetitive environment with rapid growth, efficiency and radical corporate change necessitates the search for the most profitable business models. Organizations are constantly being transformed in the process of functioning. This applies to finding your mission, market goals, your own exclusivity and uniqueness, comparing opportunities with the level of achievement. All this should reflect the business model of the enterprise. The organization as an open socio-economic system interacts with the external environment, which essentially determines its functional purpose - its mission, formed on the basis of a compromise market demand and the interests of the business entity. Based on the mission, corporate goals, strategies for their implementation, organizational-functional, functional-technological, process-role, quantitative and structural models are formed, which together are the business model of the company. This study focuses on the analysis of the typology of organizational flexibility. In particular, types of organizational flexibility such as, strategic flexibility, operational flexibility, technological flexibility, flexibility of IT systems, flexibility of manufacturing systems, financial flexibility, metaflexibility, resource flexibility, flexibility of human resources and managerial flexibility are considered. In addition, the main components of each type of flexibility and their development over time are identified. This paper shows the interaction and interdependence between different types of organizational flexibility. The existing gaps between the theory and practice of implementing flexible business models are revealed. A practical algorithm for developing and implementing flexible business models or transforming existing ones is also proposed. This paper substantiates each component of this algorithm, consisting of twelve practical steps. The proposed approach is aimed at cooperation of inter-functional, sectoral and intersectoral cooperation, development of new competencies, skills, and the implementation and development of a culture of organizational flexibility.
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