management, education, business process, private higher education institution, economic riskAbstract
This article discusses the possibilities of pedagogical management to regulate the business processes of a private higher education institution in an economic crisis. The purpose of the article is to characterize the features of management of educational business processes in the economic crisis, which will provide an opportunity to develop practical recommendations for improving the pedagogical management of private higher education institutions. It is determined that in the field of education business processes are interrelated educational activities of research and teaching staff, which are aimed at implementing educational standards and training programs to train quality future professionals in a particular field of work. Based on the analysis of scientific works and analysis of economic activity of private higher education institutions of Kirovohrad region, the business processes that exist in private higher education were identified: managerial; educational and pedagogical; scientific and applied business processes; auxiliary. The essence and classification of economic risks for a private higher education institution are given. The necessity of improving the management of educational business processes in the conditions of economic crisis is proved. The stages of the anti-crisis management process are identified and characterized. Negative economic factors that affect the economic activity of a private higher education institution are identified: external - which do not depend on the activities of the organization; internal, which arise within the organization. Proposed to influence the factors of the internal environment: implementation of the economic security management system (ISO 22301: 2012; ISO 22320: 2011; ISO 31000: 2009), quality management system (ISO 9001), labor protection measures (DSTU 2293-99), information security (ISO / IEC TR 27016: 2014) and business process technologies (IDEF 0 method, SADT methodology). Conclusions are made and practical recommendations on development of directions of management of educational business processes in the conditions of economic crisis for private higher educational institutions are given: development of the program of anti-crisis management and forecasting of economic risks; insurance of movable and immovable property, financial risks, life and health of teachers; outsourcing certain activities, if it causes losses; improvement of information security tools; protection of scientific works and scientific and technical showdowns, inventions; fight against corruption; introduction of the concept of pedagogical management; introduction of new methods and technologies of business process management. Perspective directions of further researches on this problem are defined.
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