marketing, marketing technologies, medicine, medical institutionAbstract
The article examines the problem of using marketing technologies in the field of health care. It is determined that the marketing of a medical institution will be effective if marketers increase the indicators of the objective position, but subject to a positive perception of the subjective side. To form and analyze the objective position of marketers use internal and external data on the activities of the medical organization, and to determine the subjective dimension, they use data from marketing research: consumer surveys (patient satisfaction surveys), focus group interviews with management, medical staff and employees of the organization. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of the use of marketing technologies in the medical field. It is important to note that medical organizations annually invest a lot of money in brand promotion in order to attract customers, so marketers must research and analyze the satisfaction of their patients with medical services through daily monitoring. Also, the medical organization may face the problem of incorrect positioning, which can be in some cases worse than its absence at all. This situation will not contribute to the growth of the organization. The main reasons for the development of marketing in health care are increased competition in the market of medical services, the development of private medical clinics, rising costs of medical institutions due to the use of innovative technologies, drugs, equipment, aging and deteriorating health. At the same time, medical marketing faces unique challenges – hospitals are constantly influenced by external factors: policy, changes in legislation, the growth of alternative medicine, increasing and changing consumption, increasing competition. The market of medical services is a set of relationships that arise between manufacturers of medical services, medical devices, methods of organizing medical activities, pharmacological agents and consumers.
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